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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Sun-fading Afternoons

Sun-fading afternoons

with the pink

plucking at images within.


Fading lives

disappearing in the diminishing azure

streaks of comfort

in what is still light.


Red had come the still-birthed war years!

Purple was the pain.

Crimson, the yearning

for the return of yellow beams

on tea-aroma-filled patios.


Peace found its dirty pink

in the haze of amnesia

and soothing rays of oblivion.


Time implanted on wet sands

ALL came back

the waves lulling in, siestas

like forgotten children's toys 

scattered on the shorelines.


Hours to arrive

in afternoon car rides

on semi-paved roads

rearview mirrors’ dust particles sending

blinding refractions of incessant rainbows

glaring back at the ambit of color

and trying hard to rise above it…