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Thursday, February 23, 2017

On Her Birthday

A window of dreams
for my mother
images of my brother
safely home
where it's not really home...

Visions of my sister
sound and safe.

Glances at my troubled self

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Chocolates & Her Curt

He used to kiss her charcoal forehead;
his sixth sense instructed;
she was sublime.

She would return
the gesture with a
golden glisten
from her despondent eyes.

She appreciated heat
in all its highlights;
her persuasion of love,

An appetite for authority
guided her instincts.
and she ruled
her home like no other

When alone with her human,
she touched him
in places
his heart
had never traveled.

As he'd stoop to brush
his lips across
a silky sea of fur,
it would arrive;
a tidal wave of purrs.

Note: Chocolates, my beloved cat, passed in January, 2017. In her 19 years of love, she gave me 17 years of joy.